Answered By: Leta Hendricks
Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024     Views: 704

Requests to purchase new resources may be submitted on our Recommend a Purchase form.

Alternately, you may contact your Subject Librarian directly to request purchases or for other services, including:

Individual Services                                                                                               

Your Librarian is always available to assist you with your personal information needs. Individual research assistance on designing information discovery; installing connection tools; cultivating academic and internet resources; using research management software; requesting library purchases; and answering detailed reference and research questions. 


Teaching & Learning                                                                                              

Your Librarian is here to serve your classroom needs.  You may request assistance in designing and testing library assignments, using library resources in the classroom, and creating course related Carmen CMS Pages online learning resources and learning spaces.

Other library instruction services include:

·       Classroom and Research Library material purchases

·       Information Instruction Presentations

·       Introduction to Academic Research and Reference Citation

·       Course Specific Instruction Module, Guides, and Carmen Pages

·       OSU Libraries’ Course Enhancement Grants

·       Visual Literacy and Image Research 

·       Hands-on-Database Instruction

·       Evaluation of Digital Media, Print, and WEB Resources

·       Exhibit, Event, and Project Support

·       Distance Education Services

·       Digital conversion of faculty materials     

·       Knowledge Bank (D-Space)

·       Ohio State Extension Research support

·       Guided Tours of the Thompson Library Facilities and Resources



Ohio State University Libraries (OSUL) patrons have global access to information and resources (  The OSUL catalog searches for the location of books, journals, periodicals, multimedia, and databases ( OhioLINK, ( the statewide consortium of academic libraries, features a statewide library catalog, databases, and online learning resources. searches the catalogs of participating libraries around the world. (   Interlibrary Services (ILL) provides access to materials not available digitally or physically in either the OSUL or OhioLINK catalogs ( OSUL maintains a rich assortment of academic resources available through Research Databases (



E-Reserves are an on-line service that provides web access to supplementary course reserves materials for students through the Carmen on-line course management system. The Libraries e-reserves staff will negotiate copyright royalties on your behalf, establish links to online digital resources and create digital formats for supplemental print materials. ( Faculty and teaching staff may request that any particular book or item which does not qualify for e-reserves be physically placed on closed reserve for a class. (