Answered By: Daniel Noonan
Last Updated: May 04, 2016     Views: 128

The following records series from the OSU General Schedule that pertain to travel reimbursement and similar series for procurement:

1. Travel:
a. Travel Reimbursement Documentation - eTravel: Documentation maintained in the eTravel system in support of reimbursement to university employees for university related travel. Retention = 4 years; Disposition = Destroy.
b. Travel Reimbursement Documentation - Non-eTravel (by any other method): Documentation maintained by units not utilizing the eTravel reimbursement system for reimbursing university employees for university related travel. Retention = 4 years; Disposition = Destroy.
c. Travel Reimbursement Support Documentation - eTravel - Local Copy: Local copies of documentation scanned into eTravel or forwarded to a Service Center to be entered in support of reimbursement to university employees for university related travel. Retention = 60 Days; Disposition = Destroy.

2. Procurement:
a. Procurement Documentation - eRequest: Documentation maintained in the eRequest System in support of the procurement process. Retention = 4 years; Disposition = Destroy; Notes - For retention of contracts see "Contracts, External" and "Contracts, Internal".
b. Procurement Documentation - Non-eRequest (by any other method): Documentation maintained by units not utilizing the eRequest system in support of the procurement process. Retention = 4 years; Disposition = Destroy; Notes - For retention of contracts see "Contracts, External" and "Contracts, Internal".
c. Procurement Support Documentation - eRequest - Local Copy: Local copies of documentation scanned into the eRequest system and maintained for quality control purposes. Retention = 60 Days; Disposition = Destroy; Notes - For retention of contracts see "Contracts, External" and "Contracts, Internal".

The use of 1a and 2a presumes the department/unit is the “Service Center” and that items that are scanned and included in the system are maintained for a minimum of 4 years and then destroyed. Once scanned, the paper should be maintained for 60 days for quality control purposes similar to 1c and 2c.

The use of 1b and 2b presumes the unit is not and does not use a “Service Center” and further it does not use the eTravel and eRequest systems. In this instance, if imaging the documentation, the scans must be maintained for a minimum of 4 years and then destroyed. Once scanned, the paper should be maintained for 60 days for quality control purposes similar to 1c and 2c.

The use of 1c and 2c presumes the department/unit is not a “Service Center” and just providing documentation to a Service Center. Once scanned and submitted to the eTravel or eRequest systems, the paper should be maintained for 60 days for quality control purposes and then destroyed. The images could be maintained for a similar amount of time or disposed of once they have been submitted to the appropriate system. I would suggest the immediate disposal of the images, because if there is a QC issue you will have to rescan the paper anyhow.

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