Answered By: Daniel Noonan
Last Updated: May 04, 2016     Views: 110

Email in and of itself is not listed as a record series and the retention is tied to the informational value of the content of the message, not just because it’s a message.

• Non-record (dispose at any time and preferably sooner rather than later): SPAM messages such as unsolicited advertising.
• Transient (dispose of when no longer of administrative value): meeting notices; all-staff announcements, etc.
• Short-term (dispose of at end of life—typically less than 10 years—but need to map to general or unique schedule): an example might have to do with acknowledging the receipt of a purchased item, possibly part of an accounting reconciliation which would need to be retained 4 years.
• Long-term (dispose of at end of life—typically more than 10 years, but less than forever— but need to map to general or unique schedule): emails related to the management of a contract.
• Permanent (either permanent within unit or transfer to Archives): typically upper level administration email correspondence.

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