Answered By: Ash Faulkner
Last Updated: Jun 12, 2023     Views: 41

The library has a number of databases that can help you learn more about the online buying behavior!

  • eMarketer PRO - There is an entire section of this database devoted to Ecommerce & Retail (top level drop down menu just below the main search bar). There is braod coverage, including a section on Consumer Behavior, specifically digital shoppers vs. mobile vs. in-store.
  • Mintel - Mintel reports includes a section under the 'Category' - 'Retail & Apparel' for 'eCommerce' reports. Reports for other categories might also mention online buying behaviors. We also have access to 'databooks' in the 'Analytics' -- 'Consumer Data' section wherein you could keyword search (ecommerce, online, etc.) for databooks with relevant data.
  • Passport - Under the 'Channels' main level dropdown menu (right under the main search bar) you can choose 'Digital Consumer' or 'E-Commerce' for access to relevant reports including country reports, datagraphics, briefings and more.
  • Statista - This database includes statistics on an extremely broad number of topics which you can always keyword search though there are also reports that pull many statistics on a topic into one place, such as the 'E-Commerce' reports.

If you would like further assistance, please contact the Business & Economics Librarian.

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