For broad industry background information, the IBISWorld database has relevant reports for US real estate markets. The MarketLine database similarly has market and industry research reports covering the 'Construction and Real Estate' sector, with global coverage. You could also check out 'The State of the Nation's Housing' report put out by the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University
If you're more interested in news/data, the Eikon database includes 'Real Estate' under the 'Asset Classes' menu and the overview page will give you real time news and information on the top real estate and housing prices indices but there's little deeper coverage. The Bloomberg terminal (located in Mason Hall) is the only resource we have for real estate finance data. If you type in 'real estate' and hit <GO> you can see everything the database has on the topic. Mnemonics of interest might include CRE (Commercial Real Estate Overview), CMB (CMBS Market Overview - Commercial mortgage-backed securities), REIT (Real Estate Investment Trusts) and BI REAL for industry outlook, research and key indicators.
If you would like further guidance, please contact the Business & Economics Librarian.