Answered By: Ash Faulkner
Last Updated: Dec 07, 2022     Views: 49

The company profiles in the Mergent Online database include a Competitors tab and you have the ability to create comparison reports in the Report Builder tab, including company financials and ratios. The company profiles in the NetAdvantage database also include a Peer Analysis section. The Factiva company profile pages also include a Peer Group section, which you can adjust based on a list of select metrics.

You usually have the option to add or adjust the companies included in these lists, which is especially useful for comparisons of companies that compete in multiple industries and therefore could be compared to different competitor companies specifically in these particular spheres. It is also worth noting that the list of competitors in each database will likely vary somewhat as the databases might define the nearest peers/competitors in different ways, so looking in multiple resources is likely to provide more nuanced information.

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